Topic outline

  • Who is this guide for?

      people who are concerned about themselves
      those who are concerned about family or friends
      those who encounter people with addiction problems through their work.

    This self-directed course will take approximately 20 minutes to complete.


    Want to receive a badge for completing this course? Make sure you create an account and enrol in this course to have your test scores and badges appear in your "My dashboard" area.

    After enrolling in the course using the link in the upper left-hand corner, you can start this course by clicking the BEGIN button below.

  • This tutorial has been generously supported by the CAMH Gifts of Light program.


    This course is not to be used for diagnosis, treatment or referral services. The materials in CAMH's online courses are only educational tools. They are of general value, and may not apply to specific situations. They are not considered professional advice or guidance for a particular case. Online resources are not a substitute for the personalized judgment and care of a trained medical professional.