6. Empowering yourself through support and self-care


Strategies for coping with stress

Reduce stressors

    Problem solve.
    Take steps toward change.
    Set limits.
    Reduce responsibilities.

Decrease the perception of stress

    Accept the situation.
    Pray or meditate.
    Let go of the situation.
    Express yourself (e.g., write).
    Engage in positive self-talk.
    Remember how you have coped in the past.
    Deal with one stressor and one moment at a time.
    Find humour or something positive in a challenging situation.

Increase resources

    Get professional help.
    Access community resources.
    Get emotional support.
    Ask for financial assistance.
    Ask for practical help (e.g., cleaning or child care).
    Spend time with people.
    Distract yourself (e.g., watch a movie).
    Educate yourself.
    Find joy in life.
    Get a massage.
    Express your emotions (e.g., allow yourself to cry or laugh).
    Eat properly.
    Get enough sleep and rest.

It is important that all members in your family explore their stressors and consider ways of managing their stress.

Download your copy of   Managing stress (PDF) 

Empowering Families Affected by Psychosis © , CAMH.