4. Communicating effectively with your relative, problem solving and setting limits
Resolving problems
At times, people with psychosis may have a difficult time participating in daily activities.
Using a six-step approach can be helpful when trying to resolve problems and make decisions.
1. Discuss the problem or goal
Your family and your relative can discuss a problem or goal and pay attention to what each person says. It is especially important for the people most involved to talk about how the problem affects them. When everyone has expressed their opinions, family members can try to arrive at a common definition of the problem or goal.
2. Brainstorm at least three possible solutions
At the beginning of this step, you and your family can review previous attempts to resolve the problem. This review helps avoid repeating the same mistakes. Then, everyone can identify as many potential solutions to the problem as possible. Do not evaluate the solutions at this time. Everyone should be encouraged to contribute at least one idea, and no one should be criticized.
3. Briefly evaluate each solution
List the advantages and disadvantages of each idea for solving the problem or achieving the goal.
4. Choose the best solution
Try to pick the easiest solution that is likely to work.
5. Plan the implementation
Once you agree on how you want to solve the problem or achieve the goal, create a plan to put your ideas into action.
6. Review
Review the implementation at a later date.
Solving problems using a structured approach can lead to better outcomes.
Download your copy of Problem solving or goal-setting sheet (PDF)
Empowering Families Affected by Psychosis © , CAMH.